Reflections on Our Apprenticeship Journey

By Batch of Jul ‘2024 Apprentices

Leave your job. Take a pay cut. Spend your weekdays AND weekends in church. 

Ready? Go. 

It sounds crazy, but that’s what the five of us did last July when we joined the Apprenticeship Scheme, joining Bernard, who has been on the scheme since Sep 2023. As we share how our journey below, please continue to pray with us that God will keep growing our love for Him, and equip us for a lifetime of building His Kingdom.

Tsenre & Elocin*: We’re grateful for God’s work in our lives and ministry—with Bible handling and in-house training on various Christian issues, and engaging in teaching and speaking opportunities. As we reflect on Jesus’ sacrificial love in John’s gospel, we are challenged to love others as Jesus loves and to serve Him with humility. We’re learning to abide in Jesus’ love, delight in His presence, and grow in deeper knowledge of the gospel so that we may hold it out to others. Looking ahead, as we co-lead our AG alongside the existing leaders, trusting in God’s pruning, please pray for our continued growth in faith, love, wisdom, and dependence on God, as well as for the Apprenticeship programme to bear fruit.

*Names have been changed to protect their identities in view of their overseas missions involvement.

Bernard: 当我回顾与反思这好几个月所参与在碧山协恩堂的EXCEL学徒计划,我更深地体会到神的旨意与经历祂的信实。当我开始筹集资金支持每个月所需的津贴,神就为我开路并大大地恩待我。我看到弟兄姐妹的爱心并主动向我表示他们的支持与祝福。通过这学徒计划里的培训与碧山协恩堂的具体事工参与,我了解到事奉神与领人归向耶稣基督的永恒价值。请为我祷告,在事奉上忠心将自己的才干与恩赐献于神的国度里。

Deborah: The Apprenticeship has been…

Challenging my mind: A big bulk of my time is spent rigorously studying God’s Word. It’s really hard work, but so worth it – seeing more of Jesus in God’s Word has led to the next thing… 

Training my heart: God’s Word and the ministry experience reveal my sinful attitudes towards God and His people. But God through His Word and Gospel-minded leaders is graciously working on me, giving me a bigger heart.

Yet, how enjoyable it is to see firsthand God working in my life and the lives of those around me! Please pray that this joy will continue as I work hard at the curriculum and teachers’ training for Children’s Ministry this year.

Hui Qing: It’s been a joy to be freed from corporate work and to have a dedicated season dwelling in God’s Word, and doing it with others! There are still many moments when I think to myself, “this does not feel like work at all, just ordinary Christian life”: having all sorts of interesting discussions with the other apprentices during our training sessions (e.g. about the habits we keep to sustain our relationship with God), and having “heart-to-heart” chats with other ladies about various life struggles, but also how we’ve witnessed God at work. Please pray that I will continue to delight in seeing God through His Word, and grow in my ability to handle His Word, to faithfully help others see and hopefully delight in Him too.

John: This season’s theme song is The Goodness of God. Through three medical operations, there has been significant growth in learning to obey, surrender, and deepen my faith in Him. Intimacy with Him has grown through abiding in His presence— through obedience to His Word, prayer, and worship. The Apprenticeship has been a time of spiritual stretching in both mind and heart, deepening my understanding of Scripture through word training, and spiritual formation in trust and faith in God’s character. Each day, God’s fingerprints are evident, and His goodness is unmistakable in every season. I am deeply grateful for the spiritual family and prayer support I have received. I ask for continued prayers as I intentionally pursue this journey of obedience, surrender, and intimacy with Him.

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