Sermon Notes 31 May 2020

Speaker: Rev Dr Tan Soo Inn

Whatever It Takes – Reflections on Service
John 13:1-17

The world defines greatness in terms of position and privilege

Jesus defines true greatness as loving, sacrificial service of others

We can do this because our self worth is rooted in our identity as children of God

When we follow in Jesus’ footsteps we experience true blessing

Reflection Questions

  1. We are so familiar with this passage we are not shocked by it anymore. What is the most shocking element of this story?
  2. If we love our brothers we should be prepared to do whatever we can to serve them. Is this my attitude towards the members of my church? Small group? How do I serve people I don’t like?
  3. To be free to serve we must be secure in who we are in Christ. What do you do to deepen your communion with Jesus?
  4. How can our church be a servant to our neighbourhood?

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