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Order of Service

Call to Worship

Gloria Patri

Worship in Songs
AM: Hallelujah! What a Saviour; No other Name; Shine Into Our Night
PM: Hymn Of The Saviour; Shine Into Our Night; Creator God

Scripture Reading: Genesis 3:1-13 (ESV)

Message: The Fall

Response Hymn
AM: Lord From Sorrows Deep I Call
PM: Come Ye Sinners, Poor And Needy

Corporate Life & Prayer        





We are pleased to welcome you to worship with us! If you are new to Zion Bishan, do drop us a note on our contact form and our hospitality team will get in touch with you in the coming week. Please use the same contact form if you want to find out more about our faith, or about our activities and programmes.

Our Sunday services at a glance

In-Person Sunday Services
8.30am Mandarin service
8.30am/10.30am/4.30pm English service
9.00am Hokkien service
9.30am Tamil service
10.30am Mandarin-English service
10.45am Cantonese-Mandarin service

Domestic Helpers Fellowship (DHF)
Bible Study Groups
- To join via Zoom,
please register at
8.45am DHF 1A (in English, for all nationalities)
in-person at Room 103 & upon request via Zoom
DHF 2 (in Myanmar language)
in-person in The Living Room & via Zoom
DHF 3 (in Bahasa Indonesia) via Zoom
DHF 1B (in English, for all nationalities)
upon request via Zoom

Children/Youth Discipleship Classes
Register interest:

Youth Fellowship
Every Saturday, 4pm


Serving You Today

Ps Alby (8.30am & 10.30am)
Mr Danny Chua (4.30pm) 

Service Coordinator: Sharon Quek
Worship Leader: Dn Justin Low
Vocalist & Musicians: Music AM Team 2

Service Coordinator: Dn Charles Chia
Worship Leader: Dn Mervyn Phan
Vocalist & Musicians: Music AM Team 2

Service Coordinator: Dn Herman Low
Worship Leader: Eld Roland Low
Vocalist & Musicians:
 Music PM Team 2

Pastors (more info)
Rev Dr Alby Yip, Senior Pastor9844 9536
Rev Dr Dev Menon, Pastor9829 6051
Rev Lim Jit Thye, (Cantonese-Mandarin)9182 6957
Rev Daniel Nge, Pastor (Mandarin-English)8428 0525
Rev Vernon Quek, Pastor9796 0196
Rev Ng Zhiwen, Pastor9092 6095
Rev Paul Yeo, Pastor (Hokkien)9751 1897
Rev Ebinezar Mohan, Associate Pastor (Tamil)8198 9696
Ministry Staff (more info)
Mrs Emily Quek, Special Projects9001 2926
Mrs June Tan, Children’s Ministry    8388 1883
Mrs Sharon Quek, Overseas Ministries 9788 0195
Mr Danny Chua, AG/Safeguarding  9239 4160
Dr Quek Tze-Ming, Ministry Staff  9060 8340
Miss Jacqueline Lie, Youth Ministry9322 7629
Miss Vanessa Lee, Women’s Ministry9880 4507
Mr Joel Khoo, YAs/Discipleship9368 9221
Mr Timothy Ong, Missions Educator9271 5785


Sermon Notes

Prayer Points

Our Church

OnePeople SG Visit (7 Sep) – Thank God for the opportunity some members and leaders had to interact with and share with representatives from different religious organisations about our Christian faith and our practices this weekend. Pray for open hearts for those who may be hearing the Gospel for the first time, and that there will also be avenues where we can continue being a faithful witness for Christ and His Kingdom, here in our Bishan neighbourhood and beyond.

Our People

Darrell T – Pray for DT as he serves to mobilise and encourage those in the body of Christ here in Singapore to participate in God’s wider mission globally. In September, he has roles at a conference with his organisation (3 workshops and 1 worship session) and also in October’s Antioch 21 Summit. Pray for good preparation and good connections at these events.

Ps Ebi – Thank God for the safe return of Ps Ebi, from India last week after teaching and encouraging 20 Pastors for 3 days (2-4 Sep) from the Bible. Many of them also found the discussions on theology and church ministry relevant and helpful. Pray that these Pastors will respond in action to all that they have been learning at this gathering.  Praise God for the change and growth that is taking place in their understanding and preaching of God’s Word.

Our Denomination

We thank God that more BPCIS churches are open to sharing their needs and we are learning how better to help and support one another. Pray that many more members at Zion Bishan will be moved by the gospel to go and serve these other churches; to minister alongside the saints there, as they continue to be a witness in the communities God has planted them in.

Our World

India – Thank God for the opportunity for our group who visited recently to share on expository preaching and the Bible worldview to our brothers and sisters here. Pray for God’s grace and encouragement for many believers here facing challenges for their faith. Another area of challenge of believers are their efforts of ministry workers to be self-sustaining financially. Pray for the provision of these needs for them and their families.

Info for Giving

For tithes and offering: General & Missions Fund
DBS Current A/C: 070-901056-3
PayNow: T10SS0029GGMF

To give towards the General Project Fund
DBS Current A/C: 070-901055-5
PayNow: T10SS0029GGPF

If giving by cheque, please mail to Zion Bishan B-P Church, 4 Bishan Street 13 Singapore 579792. Please provide your CONTACT NUMBER on each cheque

Church Family News
  1. The Church Office will be closed on 10 Sep 2024 for our Annual Staff Retreat.
  2. Congratulations to Kenneth Thio & Cynthia Ng upon entering holy matrimony on 7 Sep 2024!

Looking Ahead

Fri, 13 Sep
Prayer Meeting 
Register at

Sat, 14 Sep
4.00pm: Youth Fellowship
Register at

Sun, 15 Sep
Worship Services at 8.30am, 10.30am & 4.30pm

[ Genesis Series ]                

15 Sep
God’s Judgment; God’s Grace
Ps Vernon ( 8.30am & 10.30am )
Ps Alby ( 4.30pm )            

22 Sep
Cain and Abel
Dr Quek Tze-Ming ( 8.30am & 10.30am )
Ps Dev ( 4.30pm )         

29 Sep
Family Lines
Dr Quek Tze-Ming ( 8.30am & 10.30am )
Ps Dev ( 4.30pm )           


Word in Season

An ANTIOCH21 Testimony

By Ps Ng Zhiwen

A version of this testimony was shared at the recent Intentional Disciplemaking Church (IDMC) Conference 2024 which had as its theme “Under Attack!”.

Let me tell you the story of Singapore as an Antioch of Asia. I mean by “being Antioch” that we are deeply committed to God’s global mission, and sending our people to bring His light and to share His love to the nations.

Praise God we’ve been doing this for decades. But the challenges are real. Such an endeavor is sure to attract hostility.

One of the champions of Singapore as an Antioch was Pastor Rick Seward. He even said that Singapore would be an Antioch of Antiochs! (

He was heavily involved in missions and was described as a missional Christian statesman ( Antioch21, as a missions mobilization movement, was his brainchild back in 2003.

But in 2018, he died in a car accident while serving in the mission field in Brazil at the age of 63. Just a month before that, he was encouraging small non-denominational churches to take part in the GoForth national missions conference. I was there.

Fast forward 3 years to 2021, another man rose up to take the baton of Antioch21. His name was Joseph Chean. He was greatly influenced by Rick Seaward.

He was burdened that our missionaries were an aging force, and his passion was to see a generation of long-term missionaries from Singapore.

Last year at the first Antioch Summit, he cast the vision of a Decade of Missions, from 2023 to 2033. And he was all set to coordinate Antioch21’s mobilization work throughout the decade of missions.

Then in November last year, before the Antioch21 Decade of Missions team had met even once, Joe died in a car accident in Turkey. 
This happened right after a missions trip.

2 missions leaders in 5 years. What a loss. 
What happens now with Singapore as an Antioch? The Decade of Missions? Or Antioch21?

This is the story of being an Antioch Church – It is spiritual warfare.
In the mission field, its real. In missions mobilization, it’s also very real.

When Joe was called home, many wondered: Who would rise up? It sounds as if anyone wants to be involved, you must be prepared to sacrifice.

But that’s discipleship isn’t it.

As Jesus said: unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. (John 12:24).

In the wake of Joe’s passing, I want to testify to you that many have been stirred to arise and serve in missions.

Antioch21 now has not just one person, but a whole team of people committed to the cause. They are mostly volunteers (and not paid staff). They don’t fly the banner of their church or their organization, but they give their time and their energy for this Kingdom cause.

They have been discipled well, some by Joe himself. 
They understand the call to trust and to obey. 
Some are preparing to go long term themselves to serve God in the nations. 
I’m so privileged to serve alongside them.

In my ministry in Antioch21, I struggle every day.

But I get so encouraged when I see the church is stepping up to her Antioch call. And I’m witnessing this with my eyes.

We are now in the decade of missions, and I believe there are greater things yet to come, because God is the one writing the story of missions and He is not done yet.

He will help us win the fight. And if we perish, we perish.

All glory to His name!

Men’s Ministry 

Come and join us in the Men’s Ministry event and learn what it means to be our Brother’s Keeper:

Brother’s Keeper
Ps Andrew Goh, Grace Baptist Church
28 Sep (Sat) 8 – 9.30am
Breakfast at 7.30am

Sign up at

Mid-Autumn Gospel Outreach

Organised by ZB Chinese Services

14 Sep 24 (Sat) 4 – 6 pm 
Main Sanctuary

It will be an evening of gospel songs and Guzheng presentations, with a gospel message focusing on the theme of True Reunion.

There will be dinner after the event.

Please invite your Mandarin speaking non-believers to attend!

Call church office or sign up via the link below by 8 Sep:

Indonesia Post-Trip Sharing

13 Oct (Sun) 2-3.30pm 
Chapel at Level 4

Come and join the team of 7 who were there in August earlier this year.

Hear and learn what God opened their eyes to see and laid upon their heart.

Register by 6 Oct at

ZB 30th Anniversary Service & Dinner

Join us in celebrating 30 years of God’s goodness and faithfulness to us at Zion Bishan.

Happening on 26 Oct (Sat), the service will start at 4.30pm and will be followed by dinner in the Fellowship Hall.

Registration for dinner opens this week, $10 per seat or $100/table of ten. You are encouraged to sign up by tables.

Register by 29 Sep at

Response Form
Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you.