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Order of Service

Call to Worship

Gloria Patri

Worship in Songs
AM: How Great Thou Art; To God Be The Glory; There is One Gospel
PM: People Need the Lord; The Love of God is Greater Far; What a Friend We Have in Jesus

Commissioning of Mission Worker Chri.sty Lim (8.30am)

Scripture Reading: Mark 12:30-31, John 21:15-19 (ESV)

Message: The Challenge of Mission – To Love, To Go, and To Stay

Response Hymn
AM: Lord I Give You My Heart
PM: There is None Like You + Lord I Give You My Heart (Medley)

Corporate Life & Prayer           





We are pleased to welcome you to worship with us! If you are new to Zion Bishan, do drop us a note on our contact form and our hospitality team will get in touch with you in the coming week. Please use the same contact form if you want to find out more about our faith, or about our activities and programmes.

Our Sunday services at a glance

In-Person Sunday Services
8.30am Mandarin service
8.30am/10.30am/4.30pm English service
9.00am Hokkien service
9.30am Tamil service
10.30am Mandarin-English service
10.45am Cantonese-Mandarin service

Domestic Helpers Fellowship (DHF)
Bible Study Groups
- To join via Zoom,
please register at
8.45am DHF 1A (in English, for all nationalities)
in-person at Room 103 & upon request via Zoom
DHF 2 (in Myanmar language)
in-person in The Living Room & via Zoom
DHF 3 (in Bahasa Indonesia) via Zoom
DHF 1B (in English, for all nationalities)
upon request via Zoom

Children/Youth Discipleship Classes
Register interest:

Youth Fellowship
Every Saturday, 4pm


Serving You Today

Speaker: Mr Eugene Wee

Eugene is founder and executive director of Radion International, a Christian relief & development organisation based in Thailand. Having served on the mission field in Asia for more than 17 years, his focus is on making the gospel not just widely heard but also deeply felt.

Service Coordinator: Dn Tay Beng Hwee
Worship Leader: Dn Lim Nan
Vocalist & Musicians: Music AM Team 4

Service Coordinator: Jacqueline Lie
Worship Leader: Eld Michael Gan
Vocalist & Musicians: Music AM Team 4

Service Coordinator: Vanessa Lee
Worship Leader: Dn John Chua
Vocalist & Musicians:
 Music PM Team 4

Pastors (more info)
Rev Dr Alby Yip, Senior Pastor9844 9536
Rev Dr Dev Menon, Pastor9829 6051
Rev Lim Jit Thye, (Cantonese-Mandarin)9182 6957
Rev Daniel Nge, Pastor (Mandarin-English)8428 0525
Rev Vernon Quek, Pastor9796 0196
Rev Ng Zhiwen, Pastor9092 6095
Rev Paul Yeo, Pastor (Hokkien)9751 1897
Rev Ebinezar Mohan, Associate Pastor (Tamil)8198 9696
Ministry Staff (more info)
Mrs Emily Quek, Special Projects9001 2926
Mrs June Tan, Children’s Ministry    8388 1883
Mrs Sharon Quek, Overseas Ministries 9788 0195
Mr Danny Chua, AG/Safeguarding  9239 4160
Mr Quek Tze-Ming, Ministry Staff  9060 8340
Miss Jacqueline Lie, Youth Ministry9322 7629
Miss Vanessa Lee, Women’s Ministry9880 4507
Mr Joel Khoo, YAs/Discipleship9368 9221
Mr Timothy Ong, Missions Educator9271 5785


Sermon Notes
Prayer Points

Our Church

BAGLE Retreat – Thank God for the 6 participants and potential AG leaders who joined this round of the Basic AG Leaders Equipping course. They gathered for a day retreat yesterday, discussing and praying over topics of ministry burnout, shepherding and their prayer life. Pray that the Lord will continue growing their hearts in the good news of Christ always and that their loving service to their AGs will flow from their union with Him.

The Challenge of Missions – We round up this year’s Missions Month messages with a call to feed Jesus’ sheep, and to love others as He first loved us. Pray for all of us at Zion Bishan that we will as followers of Jesus, learn to follow Him wholeheartedly and love unconditionally. May His love shown most clearly on the Cross be our motivation and anchor to love sacrificially and be witnesses for Him each and every day of our lives, wherever He places us.

Our People

Chri.sty Lim – We thank God for the opportunity to commission Chr.isty as a ZB gospel worker today. Pray for wisdom and grace for her role as National Director at Inte.rserve (ISV) S’pore. Their vision is to raise and send more workers for hard places.  May the Lord also provide for the social enterprise she has started to serve forcibly displaced peoples and workers in these places. Finally, pray that she will have an unbroken and intimate walk with the Lord in all areas of her life.

Our World

West Asia Vision Trip – Today, there will be a sharing to interested participants who have signed up from our church as well as others with regards to the gospel need in this region. May this presentation of the opportunities for harvest workers bear the fruit of mobilising workers for this region. May the love and truth of the gospel shine into these places.

Info for Giving

For tithes and offering: General & Missions Fund
DBS Current A/C: 070-901056-3
PayNow: T10SS0029GGMF

To give towards the General Project Fund
DBS Current A/C: 070-901055-5
PayNow: T10SS0029GGPF

If giving by cheque, please mail to Zion Bishan B-P Church, 4 Bishan Street 13 Singapore 579792. Please provide your CONTACT NUMBER on each cheque

Church Family News
  1. Congratulations to Penuel Lau & Christina Wong, as they entered holy matrimony on 
    28 July 2024!
  2. Ps Dev is preaching at Emmanuel BPC this morning.
  3. Ps Alby is preaching at Baptist Fellowship Church this morning.
Looking Ahead

Fri, 2 Aug
Prayer Meeting 
Register at

Sat, 3 Aug
4.00pm: Youth Fellowship
Register at

Sun, 4 Aug
Worship Services at 8.30am, 10.30am & 4.30pm

[ Genesis Series ]

4 Aug
Overview: In the Beginning    
Ps Alby ( 8.30am & 10.30am )
Mr Danny ( 4.30pm )            

11 Aug
God Said …   
Mr Quek Tze-Ming ( 8.30am & 10.30am )
Ps Vernon ( 4.30pm )           

18 Aug
God’s Image  
Mr Quek Tze-Ming ( 8.30am & 10.30am )
Ps Vernon ( 4.30pm )           

Word in Season

#GetSent: Unity in God’s Mission & Missions

By Ps Vernon Quek

Every July through our annual ‘Missions Month’, we as a church have the God-given opportunity to reflect on and be challenged about missions.

If someone asked you what missions meant, what would your response be? How does your answer shape your perspective of all that we’re doing at Zion Bishan? What would you call missions and what would you not?

I grew up as a Christian with the commonly held view that missions refer to cross-cultural overseas Christian work. I’ve since become convicted that the better way to define missions is to view it as what Christians are doing in light of God’s Big Mission here on earth. If what God is doing is perfectly seen in what Jesus did when He was here on earth[1], which is to give the world Life through hearing His voice and believing in Him, then it makes sense that all of our small ‘m’ missions reflect our calling to point people to Jesus’ Life-giving words that they might believe in Him. This, of course, includes cross-cultural overseas Christian work, but should also include all such work that we’ve been called and sent to do, wherever it may be.

It is important that we get the definition of missions in light of God’s Mission correct because doing so will help grow us in our unity:

If missions is seen as only overseas ministry, we might run the risk of thinking that those of us who are not in that area of ministry aren’t on mission. Zion Bishan has sought to prevent this unhealthy view by deliberately calling the local gospel work that is happening ‘Home Missions’.

Paul puts it another way in his letter to the Ephesians[2]:

I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called,with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call

11 And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, 12 to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, 13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith

Paul is urging Christians here to fulfill their glorious role in His Big Plan – to walk according to their calling – in other words, He’s asking them to get on with missions in light of His Big Mission! Notice here that doing so will result in Unity! Maintaining the unity of the Spirit, the Person of God who is specifically working God’s Mission today (v3), and attaining the ultimate unity of the faith (v13).

That’s our big prayer at Zion Bishan! That as we clarify and grow together in our view of missions, it will be a source of great unity in our church as we see all of us healthily sent out for missions: whether it means being sent overseas to give the life-giving words of Jesus in cross-cultural contexts, or whether it means being sent by God to give those same words to those joining us at ESL, Seniors360 events, next door to our neighbours, in our workplaces or maybe even to those sitting next to us in the pews on a Sunday.

May our God grow us to be a united Missional Community!

[1] John 5:19-30
[2] Ephesians 4:1-16

SENIORS360 Dim Sum Hour & Workshop

Brain Training – Improving your memory (2)

10 Aug 2024 (Sat) 10.30am, Fellowship Hall

Come join us at this upcoming SENIORS360 event with Ms Eunice Tan. She will be sharing with us:

  • 4 secrets to growing new brain cells
  • What are the lifestyle changes I need to make to improve my memory
  • Let’s learn the Neurobic Exercises Workout together!

Do invite your non-Christian friends along! Dim Sum will be served at 10.15am onwards

Sign up by 4 Aug:

Catechism Class Registration

For those looking to get baptised, reaffirmation of faith, or transfer of church membership.

The next round of catechism class will be starting on 31 Aug 2024 (Sat) 1.30 – 3pm at Chapel. 

Get the form from Lydia ( or Dns Debbo Lee (9062 5348) to sign up or find out more.

ZB 30th Anniversary Community Day

16 Nov 2024 (Sat) 4pm

Celebrate 30 years of God’s faithfulness to us as a church family!

Save the date and join in by serving at the family carnival!

There are a wide variety of ways to volunteer or contribute. 

Find more info or sign up to participate individually, as a team or with your AG

Serve in the PA Ministry

Seeking dedicated volunteers.
Whether you’re experienced or simply eager to learn, your contribution will be greatly valued.

Training will be provided alongside a supportive team.

8.30 am – Mixers: 3 
4.30 pm – Projection: 2

Contact Dn Nicklaus at 9654 5649

Support our Missions Partner in Nepal

If you have any unused and working mobile phones or laptop (at least i5 processor, Windows 10/macOS12) to donate, please contact Tim Ong via mobile or e-mail
by 4 Aug.

Response Form
Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you.