Sermon Notes 28 February 2021

Speakers: Mr Quek Tze-Ming/Pastor Dev Menon

Board of Deacons
Acts 6:1-7

What’s the problem?

What’s the solution?

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. As the number of disciples increased, what practical needs began to present themselves? Why is this a problem?
  2. How did the Twelve respond to this (set this out in detail)? How does this response compare and contrast to your experience of life and organization in our church?
  3. What is the motivation of those who are involved in the work of God throughout this passage? What was the result of all this?
  4. As you observe the work of the Holy Spirit in this passage, what actions do you think you and/or your AG or ministry group should take to see the Holy Spirit work among you?

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