Session Meeting (17 Oct 23) Highlights

  1. Bro Bernard Lim Moh Kiap has been accepted as an apprentice focusing on the Chinese and Seniors Ministries.
  2. Session has commenced consultations with the SLA and will make formal applications for our land lease renewal. We are also requesting from our community partners for testimonials as the basis to appeal for more favourable consideration.
  3. We thank God that our LLR funds have been making good returns.
  4. Next year, 2024, is Zion Bishan’s 30th Anniversary and it will also coincide with our fresh 30-year land lease renewal. It is a milestone and reset. Session approved the planning of community events to celebrate the occasion which will also provide us with the opportunity to engage our community.
  5. Session approved the gift of $50,000 to Mount Gerizim in response to their appeal for support to purchase a light industrial unit for worship services.


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