word in season

#GETSENT opportunities for 2025

By Shar.on Quek This year, we will be encouraging groups (not just individuals) to get involved in “looking outwards and to multiply to reach more for Christ.”  This means knowing who God has placed around...

Blessed Chinese New Year

By Ps Alby Yip Blessed Chinese New Year to you all in Zion Bishan who are celebrating it! I trust most of you have enjoyed the past few days of celebrations. I wonder how...

The Next Lap Continues…

By Ps Dev Menon Two weeks ago, the Next Lap leadership team had a day retreat. We spent a few hours going through the Vision, to reflect on what we had been hearing from...

BPCIS Update

THE HAND IS BETTER THAN A LIGHT As the new year begins, we remember, “In the beginning, God….” (Gen 1:1). That’s how the Bible begins: with God, and for the rest of the chapter,...

Christmas: Merry or Messy?

By Ps David Wong From time to time, some horrific tragedy takes place around Christmas to remind us that not all is well in our world.   In 1988, on 21 Dec, a Pan American...