Domestic Helpers Fellowship (DHF)

We know that God cares about migrant workers (Leviticus 19:34: “… you shall love the alien as yourself …”).
Those of us who are blessed to have domestic helpers should minimally obey government guidelines, e.g., for salary in lieu of days off.
But we can do more, as faithful stewards of the lives that God has entrusted us! Here are some suggestions:
(1) Ask about their families and pray for them.
(2) If they are believers, ensure that they have a bible in their preferred language and are able to attend corporate worship on Sundays. Invite them to attend our church’s worship service with your family. If they are not strong in English, help them to attend another worship service in their preferred language.
(3) If they are not believers, invite them to attend our worship services with you anyway!
(4) Invite them to attend our DHF bible study cum fellowship meetings on Sundays. We have meetings in different languages as follows:
- English language group: 8.45am, in person in room 103
- Myanmar group: 8.45am, hybrid, in person in The Living Room and via zoom
- Indonesian group: 2.30pm via Zoom
- English language group: 8.45pm via Zoom
Email Dns Cerintha to sign up for DHF or to find out more.
Also, share with them about the love of God and the assurance that we have in Christ. If you are not sure how to disciple or share Christ with your helper, or you wish to find a worship service in your helper’s preferred language, our DHF might be able to help you. Email us at and we will follow up with you.