Loving Our Helpers
By Dns Cerintha Chia
“I was so happy and blessed to join your church. I felt so warm and joyful. I got one offday in a month but I will try to come every month. Thank you so much for giving me that opportunity. God is speaking to me to come closer more and more through the sermon on that day. And we are talking about your church. Your church is so wonderful.”
This message came from a helper who attended our 10.30am worship service and the Domestic Helpers Fellowship (DHF) outreach party on 3 Dec 23!
In the past, DHF held yearly parties in the hope of reaching domestic helpers with the gospel and having them join our weekly bible studies. Each year, although helpers thoroughly enjoyed the party, no one responded when we tried to follow up with them. So this year, we decided to hold our party specifically for the helpers of ZB families, as the employers can help to encourage their helpers to join DHF.
Our first announcement was made on 12 Nov 23. For the first 2 days, no one responded. I asked the Board of Deacons to pray. The Friday Prayer Meeting prayed, and the English congregations prayed on 19 Nov. After that, we had people registering every day. Even after the closing date on 27 Nov, registrations continued, right up till the day of the party. We had planned for 60 helpers, but God sent us 64! We were also very encouraged that many from the English and Chinese services invited their helpers to the party, and many came to help out at the party. It was truly a church-wide effort! During the party, our regular DHFers also played their part to invite the guests to join DHF. One of our non-Christian regulars shared that she is always happy during DHF meetings, and another said she felt peace when we prayed for her during our meeting.

The Sunday after the party, our Myanmar group had 3 visitors in person and 1 via Zoom. The Indonesian group had 2 visitors, with 1 more indicating that she would join this week. We are very thankful to God, because DHF’s membership prior to 3 Dec was 29, so 6 is a 20% increase! Please pray for more helpers to join DHF.
We have seen how regular Bible study in their native languages has impacted the lives of helpers. We taught them the obedience-based Bible study method known as Discovery Bible Study (DBS). Since then, many helpers have grown to enjoy studying God’s word together, and even to facilitate the Bible studies on their own. Through discovering God’s truths in the Bible themselves, and learning to obey and share with others what they learn, many have grown in their relationship with Christ. The DBS method also teaches them to care for each other. The regular DHFers have formed a strong bond with each other and the DHF team. We hope that this will help them to see Christ’s love for them.
Please continue to pray for the gospel seeds that were sown in the helpers’ hearts, for the DHF team as we disciple the helpers, and for ZB families to be a channel of God’s love to our helpers.