Prayer Points 20 September 2020

Our Church

Annual Congregational Meeting (26 Sep) – With a week left to ACM, continue to pray for all the administrative and operational matters that involve the virtual meeting to run smoothly. Pray for wisdom from God to be upon our Pastors and Elders as they prepare to present their plans for our church.

In-Person Sunday Services – Thank God we have been given permission to allow 100 worshippers at our services from October onwards. Pray for families, members and friends, who have been unable to attend in-person services, will come next month and be blessed by the gathering of saints and the sharing of Holy Communion.

S3P – The Safe Sound Sleeping initiative for our church is drawing to a close at the end of September. Pray for our 4 guests to be able to find long term accommodation. We thank God also for the friendship that our volunteers have developed with them. May God give them hope and peace as we close this chapter together.

Our People

Clusters – Thank God for our AG Cluster system. Our Action Groups (AGs) organised in Clusters has facilitated our smooth running of in-person Sunday services. Pray for each Cluster, as they continue to meet, will grow into a community of believers that will encourage one another in their walk with Christ. Thank God also for our Cluster leaders, Elders and Deacons, as they serve their congregations faithfully each week.

COVID-19 Taskforce – With the permission to allow 100 worshippers, pray for our taskforce to work out the registration process and safety measures to facilitate the smooth running of our weekly in-person Sunday services.

Our World

South India – A senior leader and his wife with our ministry partner have tested positive for COVID-19. They have been allowed to stay home instead of going to the hospital. Pray that the couple will be protected from adverse effects of the virus. They each have pre-existing health conditions. The husband currently has tiredness. Thankfully the couple’s adult son and wife have tested negative for COVID-19.

Missions in the New Norm – “The fourth era taking shape is not driven by a compass to the coastlands, nor a move to the interior, nor an understanding of the complexity of peoples. It introduces a new dynamic, unleashed by the connectivity technology provides, which gives every disciple the opportunity to play a part in the Great Commission…” – D. Ray David, Missions History: On the cusp on a new era of modern missions.

Pray for all Christians to see that the work of missions must carry on digitally even when the world is in lockdown.

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