Prayer Points

Prayer Points 20 Oct 2024

Prayer Points 20 Oct 2024

Our Church 30th Church Anniversary Service cum Dinner (26 Oct) – As we gather to celebrate this significant milestone in our church family, let us come with a joyful and grateful heart to give thanks...

Prayer Points 13 Oct 2024

Prayer Points 13 Oct 2024

Our Church Antioch Summit – We thank God that over 850 participants came for this Summit from 3-5 Oct. Through times of worship, prayer, facilitated reflection and discussions, individuals from over 120 churches came together...

Prayer Points 6 Oct 2024

Prayer Points 6 Oct 2024

Our Church Children’s Day – As Genesis has been showing us, sin arises from each of our hearts, such that even children rebel against our Creator God. Pray that our children may recognise their need...

Prayer Points 29 Sep 2024

Prayer Points 29 Sep 2024

Our Church PSLE Exams – The written exams began this past Thursday on 26 Sep and will run till 2 Oct. Pray for the children in our midst, from our church family and also in...

Prayer Points 22 Sep 2024

Prayer Points 22 Sep 2024

Our Church Tamil Service – Our Tamil service celebrates 40 years of God’s goodness and faithfulness today (22 Sep). We are thankful for what God has been doing in our congregation for these years.  Pray that the...

Prayer Points 15 Sep 2024

Prayer Points 15 Sep 2024

Our Church Domestic Helpers Fellowship (DHF) – Thank God for the helpers in our midst who look after our seniors and various different needs in each of our households here at Zion Bishan. For...

Prayer Points 8 Sep 2024

Prayer Points 8 Sep 2024

Our Church OnePeople SG Visit (7 Sep) – Thank God for the opportunity some members and leaders had to interact with and share with representatives from different religious organisations about our Christian faith and our...

Prayer Points 1 Sep 2024

Prayer Points 1 Sep 2024

Our Church Our Teachers – As we celebrate Teachers’ Day, we thank God not only for the school teachers who pour their lives out for our children at school, but also for the teachers of...

Prayer Points 25 Aug 2024

Prayer Points 25 Aug 2024

Our Church Antioch Summit – Antioch21 is a missions movement to nurture local churches to develop as missions-sending churches, and to see a new generation of long-term cross-cultural missions workers sent out in 2023 –...

Prayer Points 18 Aug 2024

Prayer Points 18 Aug 2024

Our Church Bishan Home – We thank God that the residents are able to worship in person with us again after the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic. May they experience the joy of worshipping with...