200pax English Worship Services

Registration page opens at 9pm, tonight
Members, regular worshippers, visitors and friends, please join us at any of our 4 English Worship Services.
Register this evening at www.zionbishan.org.sg/english-services-200pax
Holy Communion will be served at all services on the first week of each month.
Info on Registration:
Registration closes each week at 12 noon the Saturday before.
Parents with children attending Children’s Discipleship (CD) class are to register for “Upper Sanctuary”.
Arrival and Checking-In:
Have your TraceTogether App or Token ready for SafeEntry.
Have your Eventbrite QR code ready. You can retrieve your QR code ticket from your registration email or using the Eventbrite App.
Check your temperature. If you are above 37.5°C, feeling unwell or have flu-like symptoms, please return home and see a doctor.
Worshippers will be seated in 4 zones in the sanctuary (2 in lower, 2 in upper). You will be seated at the inner most zone first upon entry and be given a Zone sticker.
There are dedicated washroom routes per zone. Please adhere to them and do not mingle across zones.
When service is over, please exit where you entered from.