More Questions & Some Answers

Written by Ps Dev Menon

In today’s word in season, I try to succinctly answer more questions about
‘The Next Lap’:

How did you arrive at this Next Lap Vision?

It began more than 7 months ago after circuit breaker. The leaders spent many hours in retreats, dialogues, and prayer. As we reflected on many of the issues in Zion Bishan over the years, we believe God showed us that the Covid restrictions were not meant to hamper our growth, but to facilitate it. The smaller AG-based congregations will allow for more intentional discipleship, better pastoral care, and closer relationships. In all our decisions our goal is to bring everyone one step closer to Jesus.

Why are we encouraging all our members to come back in-person?

We see the positive effect that gathering and worshipping in person has on spiritual growth and we wish to avoid the detrimental effects of prolonged ‘virtual church’.

Why ask AGs to voluntarily choose one particular service/timeslot to attend?

(1) We want to make sure everyone has space to come back every week, as far as possible; (2) We don’t want people to fight over one service timing (as was taking place with the 10.30am timeslot); (3) We want to encourage people to worship, serve and deepen spiritual friendships with their AG members, aligning our AGs with our Sunday congregations. (4) We want to further develop the original cluster system, ensuring that every member is in an AG, and each AG has assigned shepherds to look after their spiritual growth.

What will happen when the pandemic & restrictions are over? Will we go back to before?

Restrictions will be around for some time. When they are over, we will have to do once again what we did in 2020: stop, pray, talk & discern where God is leading us next. I believe that He shows us things just one step at a time.

How can I support this Vision?

Pray for the newly appointed Shepherding Teams, encourage your AG to come together for whichever timeslot you have selected (or join an AG if you don’t have one), and offer to serve in that particular congregation.

Please do talk to one of the pastors if you have more questions.

More information can be found here:

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