Christianity Explored, March 2022


Christianity Explored (CE) is a course we run twice a year. The objective of the course is as its name suggests — inviting seekers to come explore Christianity over 7 sessions in the Gospel of Mark. The run that just concluded was smaller than past years. We had 6 table hosts and 2 tables, with 5 seekers and their friends spread across them. It was a little discouraging at first, but we quickly realized and appreciated the advantages that a smaller group brings. 

The smaller groups translated to better conversations, as there are more opportunities to hear from each participant. This was especially helpful for difficult conversations, about sin, grace, or the cost of following Jesus. Not all of the participants end up accepting Christ by the end of the course. In fact, most don’t! But what is still encouraging is that most agree to some sort of follow up by the end of the course. Praise God!

How can you continue to support CE and its future runs?

  1. Do continue praying for these participants who are being followed up with. Pray for the Spirit to be working as they hear the truths of the Gospel. Pray also for those following up that they will continue to speak Jesus to these ones faithfully and patiently.
  2. Consider joining the next run as a table host! We are always looking for new table hosts, so we can equip more to be able to share Christ. The next run will be starting in September, and training will start in August.

Finally, let me leave you with a passage we looked at in our last table host training:

But we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. (1 Cor 1:23-24)

One of the big concerns many people have (including our table hosts) is dealing with intellectually difficult questions in evangelism. This passage reminds us that evangelism is not about winning arguments. What we’re most concerned with is faithful preaching of Christ crucified. It might seem foolish to the world, but in reality He is the power and wisdom of God. May this be an encouragement to us to continue preaching the crucified Jesus! Hope to see some of you at the next run of CE! 

Table Hosts not in Picture: Quek Aik Wu, Rachelle Tham

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