Sermon Notes 15 May 2022

Speaker: Mr Ng Zhiwen

Exalt our Holy King!

Psalm 99

What a summons to praise the holy King (v 1-3)

What king loves justice? (v. 4-5)

What king answers when we call? (v. 6-7)

What king forgives and avenges? (v. 8)

What a holy mountain (v. 9)

For Reflection and Response:

  1. Read Psalm 99 out loud, speaking the parts that address the LORD directly as if you were speaking to Him. Speak with a tone that fits the Psalm. Think about what posture your body should have.
  2. State the reasons that this Psalm offers for why we should exalt the LORD.
  3. In what ways have you come to recognize the LORD as holy? 
    Worship Him for it.  

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