God’s Big Story in the Old Testament

Mr Joel Khoo

Opening Session of the Overview in January 2022

Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets… (Heb 1:1)

God has been speaking to us, long before even Jesus came on the scene. He has been speaking and working through His prophets in the Old Testament. The life and work of Jesus is rich with references to the OT, and we are better able to appreciate Him with all the background of how God has worked in the OT.

That’s what we’ve been uncovering in the Leader’s Prep (LP) sessions and AGs throughout this year, as we spent time doing an overview of the OT. On top of the studies we did daily devotionals that aimed to prepare the hearts of the leaders and members. The big goal is that we come to a greater appreciation of how God has intricately put together a plan that ultimately finds its complete fulfilment in the coming of God’s eternal King & Servant, our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Here are some of the personal reflections of the leaders and partners who have spent this year in the Overview.

“It was confronting to spend many consecutive weeks talking about sin. But that helped us appreciate God’s great love and mercy as we see what He is doing in His big story of all history, with all mankind. I grew a deeper
appreciation for the Gospel: sin is our greatest problem – it separates man from God and we have no way to save ourselves. Which makes Jesus so precious – He perfectly fulfils the role of the Servant King, and His death brings even us into a forever relationship with the God of the ages!” (Deborah Loone)

“Reading through OT this year has humbled me to remember how God has been consistent and faithful in His promises and cares towards His people. I was reminded of how big and complex God’s reconciliation story really is! The AG was able to revisit our childhood bible stories and knowledge with new and matured faith, which opened new insights and discussions on who God really is to each of us. Deuteronomy 28-31 especially has taught me what true obedience to God looks like, and that in both blessings and curses we are to remember God and cling back to His plan and love.” (Jarius Goh)

“What struck me the most from our time in the OT overview was how creative and profound our God is – from how He revealed the pattern of His salvation bit by bit, then pulling together all the threads in the person of Jesus (the King who is the temple-builder but also the temple itself, and also the sacrifice etc.)” (Teo Hui Qing) 

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