What Do You See?

Written by Ps Alby Yip

Today is Palm Sunday, sparking off Passion Week. It is also traditionally known as Holy Week or Greater Week, which focuses on God’s mighty acts, or Paschal Week that focuses on the Resurrection. Luke 19 describes Palm Sunday in fascinating detail. The Lord sent His disciples with scant details and yet they miraculously found the donkey which He rode into Jerusalem on.

As they neared Jerusalem, the entourage broke out into a deafening roar. Literally,  “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” (Luke 19:40) But when they rounded the final bend where Jerusalem flashed out in full sight of the entourage, the Lord Jesus broke into a weeping lament. What did He see?

The Lord saw what was. And He saw what would be. The Jews had often prayed for the peace of Jerusalem. But they had never made their own peace with God. And without God there is no peace. Very soon, this boisterous and celebratory crowd would be turned into a blood-thirsty and murderous throng.

The Lord saw what was. And He saw what would be. The Messiah had come to make peace. But they couldn’t see who He really was. They saw only a political deliverer. They saw only what they wanted to see: an army; an uprising; the chance to put Jerusalem on the map. But when they saw the deliverer not delivering, they condemned the Messiah and released a murderer.

The Lord saw what was. And He saw what would be. In a few years, Roman armies would surround the city and lay siege to her. They would break her and wipe her off the map. Why? Because it was God’s judgement. They saw but refused God’s saving grace. They saw but killed God’s Son. They would soon see judgement, and they will in time face The Judgement.

The Church worldwide is now seeing unprecedented times. While previously only some churches were forbidden to gather, now every church has to be suspended and we do not know how long this will be. The world too is seeing a time unparalleled in recent history. Entire countries, states and cities are on lockdown or have their movement curtailed.

What will Christ see? What do you see? Let Scriptures direct our eyes, minds, and heart. “At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man…” No, I am not saying the Lord is coming soon. But I am sure He is coming. There’s a saying that goes, “All the world’s a stage and we are merely players in it.” Yet as the heavens watch the passing by of the world’s events, the questions remain: What do we see? How are we preparing for it?

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