Prayer Points 12 July 2020

Our Church

Missions Month – As we learn about frontier people groups, pray for labourers to be sent into this important mission field. Pray that as a church, we understand the role we play for the mission Christ has given to us: the great commission – to reach every tribe and nation with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

ZB COVID-19 Ministry Initiatives – Continue to pray for these ongoing initiatives:

Food Aid Distribution – This continues through July, providing meals to needy families in Bishan and Shunfu community, with 3 lunches and 6 dinners weekly. Pray and thank God for our many volunteers who serve so faithfully.

Safe Sound Sleeping Place (S3P) – Praise God some of our guest stayers are able to join us at our in-person Sunday services. Do pray that they will be able to find solutions for long-term housing.

ZB CV-19 MRF – Pray that the fund will continue towards bringing relief to saints worldwide. Even as most international lockdowns have ceased, the effects of the pandemic still affect many churches and ministries. May the funds also help our fellow brothers and sisters in our church whose livelihoods have been affected (see Announcements).

Our People

Cluster Leaders and Pastors – As in-
person Sunday Services carry on through
July, pray for our Elders and Deacons who shoulder 4 services each week. Pray also for our pastors who have to preach multiple times each Sunday. Do uphold their health, and for all who serve each week in prayer.

Mission Partners and Speakers – Praise God for the work of our mission partners. Thank God for times when we can hear their stories that will challenge us to join in the work of sharing the gospel. Pray that the upcoming webinars (see Announcements), interviews and prayer meetings will be a blessing to both listeners and speakers.

Our World

Singapore – Let us uphold our newly elected government in prayer. Pray for continuing and newly elected MPs to serve the nation in a trustworthy and responsible manner. As our government seeks the betterment of every citizen in Singapore, may the church make good use of God’s blessings on our nation to share the good news of Jesus, love neighbours, reach the lost and to seek His kingdom first.

East India – With India’s lockdown continuing to 31 July, churches have not been able to meet. Many pastors who relied on part-time jobs before COVID-19 have also lost their jobs. Funds from our CV-19 MRF provided a small financial gift to 100 local pastors through one of our ministry partners. Pray for each pastor and their families to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit through these challenges.

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