Prayer Points 14 February 2021

Our Church

Hokkien Service Anniversary cum Lunar New Year Outreach (20 Feb) – Pray for the upcoming outreach to be a time where loved ones and seekers will hear the gospel. Thank God for the Hokkien Service who celebrate 3 years of God’s faithfulness and blessings.

Catechism and Christianity Explored – Continue to keep in prayer these weekly activities. As the Word of God is shared pray that more will come to a deeper understanding of God, Jesus and the Church. Pray for all our facilitators and table hosts to share the love of Christ well with all participants.

Our People

Congregations Serving Personnel – Thank God for the Congregational Shepherding Teams (CSTs) and especially the deacons and many who have stepped up to fill the service roster each Sunday. There are many slots and all are welcomed to serve. Pray that each congregation will work together well as a team, and build one another up in love.

Our World

Myanmar – Pray for God’s peace and grace for this country as its people mount protests against the recent military coup. Martial law was declared in Mandalay city, on 8 Feb after hundreds of thousands rallied across the country. The military has issued a stern warning against further protests. Pray that the situation will not escalate into violence where people may be at risk of losing their lives on the streets during these protests. Pray for its national leaders to love its people. Also pray for the local church and our partners to have wisdom as they proclaim the good news during these turbulent times.

North & Central India – In North India, pray for the expedient completion of our partner’s building project, so that worship services can start. In Central India, pray for our partner’s renovation of an existing compound to run a mini-clinic for the locals. Pray too for orderly and peaceful state legislative assembly elections that will take place this coming Mar to Jun.

Harvest Field – Whether you take the New year from Jan 1 or the Chinese New Year, let us pray for ourselves to re-evaluate and to re-focus our lives so that we can run this year with God’s purpose before us. God is the Lord of the Harvest and as it says in Luke 10:2 “[Jesus] told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Pray for opportunities with our relatives who have yet to know Jesus to share an encouragement, or stir curiosity to know our loving and gracious Lord.
For the world, pray for more workers in the Buddhist world to witness to the truth and light of Jesus. (see p.8 for information on prayer guide).

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