Sermon Notes 28 March 2021 – 3 pm & 5 pm

3 pm & 5 pm Service
Speaker: Rev Luwin Wong

Thy Kingdom Come

Matthew 6:9-10

Seek the Kingdom of God

Do the will of God

Praise the God whose name is Father

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. We often think of the gospel as the good news of salvation, or forgiveness, or eternal life. How does the concept of the Kingdom add to your understanding of the gospel? Why is having a King good news?
  2. Is your life contributing to the coming of God’s Kingdom here on earth today? In what ways? What changes need to made so that your life is lived for the Kingdom?
  3. Although God is our King, the NT describes the Christian not primarily as a servant, but as the “child of God”. Pray and thank God for being a Father whom we can trust and joyfully obey, knowing that he has our best interests at heart.

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