ZB Hokkien Service Changes from 16 May 2021

Dear brothers and sisters of Hokkien Service,

I believe we all receive with heavy hearts the introduction of more stringent movement restrictions in Singapore. But we all know that the heightened measures are for the safety of Singaporeans and for the long-term well-being of Singapore. It is necessary that as many risks are mitigated as possible so that the situation and the country will not plunge any further.

Zion Bishan too will emphasize the same guiding principles of the safety and, spiritual, well-being of our members and worshippers. This is paramount for the considerable number of seniors who attend Our Hokkien Service. Unless otherwise superseded by official government directives, throughout the stipulated period beginning 16 May (Sun) to 13 June (Sun), for a total of five weeks/Sundays, we will:

  1. Suspend On site Hokkien Service from this Sunday onwards till 13 June
  2. Revert to the Audio Recording of the service, that would be sent out via WhatsApp on Sundays
  3. Suspend all other activities during this period
  4. Holy Communion will be suspended till further notice
  5. Earnestly keep our nation and leaders in prayer as they try to steer Singapore out of danger during these trying times.

We encourage members and worshippers, especially if you are the sole Christian in the family or facing challenges in your faith, to maintain fellowship with other Christians. For example, you may listen to the recording together with another person, at the home of a third person. This will keep to the spirit of safety and also spiritual well-being.

Please feel free to contact Paul Yeo at 97511897 if you wish to receive the recording, should you need help, or that we can pray for you.

Zion Bishan Session


我相信,我们大家都怀着沉重的心情收到新加坡颁布了更严格的行动限制这个消息。但我们都知道,加强措施是为了新加坡人的安全和新加坡的长期福祉。政府必须尽可能减少风险,使局势和国家不再进一步崩溃。 碧山协恩堂也将以同样指导原则强调会友和朋友们的安全以及灵命健康。这对有相当多有参加福建崇拜的老年人来说至关重要。除非由官方政府指令另行取代,否则在自5月16日(星期日)至6月13日(星期日)的规定期间,共计五周/星期日,我们将:

  1. 从本星期日5月16日至6月13日暂停实体福建崇拜
  2. 恢复到以录音崇拜的方式m并在每主日通过WhatsApp发送
  3. 暂停此期间的所有其他活动
  4. 每个月一次的圣餐也将暂停,我们会在适当的时候另外通知;
  5. 在这个艰难时期,为我们的国家和领导人能将我国带出危险认真地祷告。

我们也鼓励弟兄姐妹与其他肢体保持联系,尤其是如果你是家庭中唯一的基督徒,或者面临信仰挑战的话。 例如,您可以与另一位弟兄或姐妹一起在第三个人的家中收听录音。这既符合目前的安全措施,也促进彼此建立。



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