Session Meeting Highlights 6 June 2021

  1. Session met twice in May; the scheduled meeting on 18 May and an emergency meeting on 14 May on in-person worship matters, currently still in force, in the light of the Phase 2 Heightened Alert and its corresponding restrictions.
  2. A new Mission Steering Committee (MSC) will be piloted for two years. The MSC seeks to integrate our Foreign and Home Missions in order to streamline our training, education, policies and mobilization.
  3. Session approved the Project Love Bishan outreach, carried out on 29 May, to distribute grocery packs to about 90 needy households from the Mission Relief Fund.
  4. Bro Tan Seng Chai has been appointed to the ZBK Management Committee.
  5. Sis Goh Bee Wan and Sis Yam Jia Hui were reappointed, and Sis Winnie Liew and Bro Marvin Cheong were appointed to the Finance Committee.

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