“Go Urban” Workshop 1 – Families in Missions

Date: 17 July 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 2.30pm – 4.30pm (Zoom)
We believe that family life is a wonderful gift from God and that everyone can be His vessel no matter their age!
About the Workshop
Two Singaporean missionary families will share about their different journeys. We will also get to hear from their children. Some topics like family life, education, and discipleship will be covered.
There will also be an activity package with a few simple activities that you can do as a family in your own time.
About Our Speakers
Our first couple went overseas when their two daughters were very young (pre-school & kindergarten). They’ve tried all sorts of education options in their years abroad. Their daughters are currently in their 20s.
Our second couple went overseas for a few years when their three daughters were in primary school. They home-schooled their children. Their daughters are currently in secondary school here.
Register for this and other workshops: tinyurl.com/ZBGoUrban2021