Sermon Notes 11 July 2021

Speaker: Pastor Vernon Quek

Go Urban!                                                                   
Luke 1-3; Acts 19-20

Intro: Going Urban

1. First Things First (Luke 1-3)

  • Jesus: The Salvation needed by ALL
    • Mary (1:30ff); Zechariah (1:67ff); Simeon (2:55ff); John (3:1ff)

2. God’s Pattern of Gospel Growth: Cities in Acts

  • Jerusalem (Acts 1-2) & Antioch in Syria (Acts 11:19-26)
  • Ephesus (Acts 19-20)

3. Zion Bishan: A City Ready

  • A City on a (Jade) Hill -> Singapore
  • A Light to the Nations around us

A Closing Thought: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’ (Acts 20:35)

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you got the ‘First Things First’ in your life? Share with someone where you are at personally in terms of Gospel convictions.
  2. What is your own personal strategy to use the Gospel opportunities in this city? What are one or two areas you can strategically invest in?
  3. Name some people that are within ‘10 minutes of effort’. What will you do about this?
  4. Remember where the power comes from – The Holy Spirit (Acts). Commit all of the above in prayer to the Lord.

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