OT Overview Devotions (Week 1: Genesis 1-3)

Day #1:

Read Gen 1:1-2:3. As you begin the OT Overview, spend some time in prayer to the Creator God who created you in His own image and after His own likeness. What does your heart desire God to show you this year as we hear Him speak in the OT?

**Do make conversing with God an essential part of what happens as you go through each day of these devotions. Thank and acknowledge Him for what He’s done, ask Him questions when you are confused and tell Him how you are feeling in response to all that you see!

Day #2:

Genesis 1-3 has two halves: 1:1-2:3 & 2:4 -3:24. Read Gen 1:1-2:3 again. What are the 3 or 4 most important things 1:1-2:3 teaches us about God and the creation as He originally made it? (Hint: Look for repeated phrases or ideas).

Day #3:

Read the second half: Gen 2:3-3:24. In what ways do Adam and Eve go wrong? What is the heart of their sin? Why is this so foolish, given what we see in chapter 1?

Day #4:

Read Gen 3 again. What are the main things that happen in 3:7-24 as a result of their sin (both immediately and subsequently as a result of God’s judgement)?

Day #5:

Read Gen 2:3-3:24 again. Compare what happens as a result of their sin (i.e. what you saw in Day #4) with Gen 2 before they sin, how is God’s original creation changed?

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