Blues and Rhythm

Written by Ps Zheng Haoren

A teacher friend recently asked if I had a good start to 2022. I found myself pausing a while before replying, “The transition from 2021 to ’22 was rather quick for me… so am actually feeling a little overwhelmed.” And he responded, “Yes, the beginning of each year tends to be overwhelming, especially for teachers!”

Another friend texted on Chinese New Year Day, “I am now in hospital because of Covid and other infections. It has been a very challenging 2022 for me…” He had been in and out of hospital since end Dec 2021.

At the end of a call with a ministry staff in Nepal, he asked for prayer cover as he was setting off on his motorcycle in the snow-covered slippery tracks to collect a love gift in order to buy groceries and meat for the orphans under his care. He has to adapt to the constant changes in high altitude weather where he ministers.

A sense of overwhelm, a feeling of hopelessness, and the dread of adjustment are the Blues of life everyone has to deal with. No one is spared. Exhaustion, loneliness, and disappointment are other shades of the Blues. 

No one is spared from the Blues! So how does one overcome? What do we do to fight for joy? Answer: Get into the Rhythm! It’s the business of restoring our souls. Yes, because Blues are here to stay, we embrace them into a Rhythm of rest, realignment, and light bathing.

Spiritual rest at the feet of Christ through worship, prayer, scriptural meditation, fellowship, singing, and even serving – recharges our souls. And physical rest restores our energy and strength.

Just as the wheel alignment of a car may run when it bumps onto a curb awkwardly, the heart of a disciple may lose its alignment with the Master’s because of life’s rough bumps. Realignment of one’s heart to the centre of the Cross of Calvary through regular reflection and prayer is the antidote.

Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12; 9:5). And Isaiah knew well that the sure way to spiritual health is to bathe in this light, for he pleaded with his hearers, “Come, let us walk in the light of the Lord” (Isaiah 2:5). Walking with Jesus – light bathing – drives away the Blues. Therefore, while we await the Lord’s return with great anticipation, it will do us good to cultivate a Rhythm of rest, realignment, and light bathing to cope with the inevitable Blues of life.

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