OT Overview Devotions (Week 2: Genesis 6:5-9:29)

Day #1:

Recap what we saw in Gen 1-3. Think of these events from God’s perspective. How would He have felt as Gen 1-3 unfolded? What would you like to say to the LORD about Creation and the Fall?

*Remember our aim this year is to read the OT in constant conversation with our God about what we’re learning. Make it a habit to share your thoughts and reactions with Him. This naturally includes your praise and thanks, but also your doubts and questions!

Day #2:

Read Gen 6:5-7:24. What is God’s assessment of the state of humanity? How does God feel as He made that assessment, and given what we thought about yesterday, what do you think God felt as He sent the Flood?

Day #3:

Read Gen 8:1-9:17. How does what happens here remind us of Gen 1:9-29, and how does that make us feel about the direction of the Story is going to take?

Day #4:

Read from all the way from Gen 8:1-9:29 this time. How does this remind us of Gen 3:7-4:8? Does this change how we felt at the end of yesterday about the rest of the Story? If so, how?

Day #5:

What is the big thing that God is saying to us in this very well-known account of Noah’s Ark? How do you think what God is teaching us through the Flood shapes our lives as 21st Century Christians?

Spend some time praying to the LORD specifically about the Flood. Speak to Him about His perspective of what happened, and tell Him your response to what He is saying to us.

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