OT Overview Devotions (Week 4: Exodus 2:23-4:17 & 6:1-9)

Day #1:

Recall what was so striking about the way God swore His covenant with Abraham. How do you feel when you remember God placing the onus of covenant-keeping on Himself?

Why does this come as good news for fallen humanity (and for yourself personally)? Pause to tell our Father in Heaven how you think and feel about this now

Day #2:

Read Exodus 2:23-3:22. What are some significant things God reveals about Himself to Moses here? (Consider the repeated words and phrases) What about the Abrahamic covenant do we now better understand with greater detail?

Day #3:

Read Exodus 4:1-17. If Moses is God’s appointed man to guide His people towards realizing the covenant promises, how do you feel about Moses here?

Why do you think the author of Exodus sneaks us into this behind the scenes conversation before the Great Exodus events? (PS: think also about who has been traditionally considered the writer of Exodus!)

Day #4:

Read Exodus 6:1-9. What exactly is God saying in 6:2-3? Imagining that you were an Israelite under Egyptian slavery, what do you not know yet about God at this specific juncture?

Day #5:

Consider the OT Overview big picture: what have you learnt about our God thus far – from Genesis 1 up to Exodus 6? What are you grateful for about His revelation about Himself? What are some questions that still remain for you?

Take some time to praise, ask and speak to our Father in Heaven about this.

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