Sermon Notes 13 February 2022

Mr Quek Tze-Ming / Mr Danny Chua

Love of Money
Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:12

Oppression (Again!) & The Love of Money (5:8-17)

Will we who love money ever be satisfied with it?

  • A ‘sickening tragedy’: harmful riches & eating in darkness (5:13-17)

The Good Life Now: Right & Fitting Enjoyment (5:18-20)

How can we find the God-given joy that occupies our hearts?

  • “What I have seen to be good and fitting…” (5:18)
  • Remember 3:11… “He has made everything beautiful (good and fitting) in its time.”

Your Worst Life Now: Zero Enjoyment (6:1-12)

What is the point of great wealth and possession without the ability to enjoy them?

  • A ‘zero enjoyment’ life: far worse than the worst kind of loss (6:1-6)

So… What is ‘right & fitting’ Christian enjoyment today?

Questions for Reflection

  1. Read Eccl 5:8-17; 6:1-12. How does the Preacher describe the nature of wealth?
  2. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being very little, 10 being very much), how would you rate your attachment to the things you own? Describe one particular struggle you have had in this area.
  3. Note the contrast between Eccl 5:18-20 and what you’ve read (5:8-17; 6:1-12). What role does God have in the satisfaction which wealth and possessions can bring?
  4. How do you think Christians define “the good life”? Is it different from what “the good life” is, according to: a) your parents, or what you show your children?; b) the politicians that you hear?; c) the advertisements that you see? Why and why not?

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