Prayer Points 7 May 2023

Our Church

Parents’ Day Thanksgiving Evangelistic Night – We thank God for the 200+ people who attended this outreach event on Saturday, 6 May. Pastor Simon Neo from Breakthrough Mission brought a team of ex-drug addicts to share the Gospel and their testimonies. Pray that God will continue to move and work in the hearts of all those present who have yet to receive the gift of salvation and draw many to Himself in His time.

Our People

Abednego Bay (Yew Chye’s son) – We thank God that he underwent a successful surgery last Thursday to implant a Glaucoma Drainage Device in his left eye. Please pray against post-surgery infection and for the device to function well in keeping his eye pressure at a health level.

Our World

India – Pray for the unrest that started last Thursday in the north-eastern Indian state of Manipur after tribal agitation ended in violence, loss of life and property damage.  Pray that peace will return to this region especially between the communities that have strong feelings against each other. May believers be agents of God’s peace and love amidst such challenges. 

Our partner has an upcoming church planter and discipleship training sessions for 110 participants. Pray for the smooth administration of these sessions that will occur in 2 languages – Telugu and Kannada. May God use the speakers to equip His workers for the work that He has prepared for them. Pray for the 30 people who were recently baptised, that they will stand firm and grow in their faith. May God grant them strength and wisdom to face the challenges ahead and be effective witnesses to their family and relatives.

Indonesia – Pray for our partner that has an active ministry that reaches out to the Blind community. Pray that God will continue to provide the resources and equipping of the workers for this ministry and that it will continue to expand to 2-3 provinces. In addition, pray for the alumni of our missiology school that are active in the field to continue to experience God’s love and protection as they continue to labour for Him amidst challenges.

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