Prayer Points 24 Sep 2023

Our Church

Domestic Helpers’ Fellowship (DHF) – Thank God for our helpers who have been meeting and taking turns to lead one another in the study of God’s Word. Pray for all the employers within our church to see the part that they can play to facilitate their coming to know and grow in their love for Jesus. Pray that they will be encouraging and enabling their helpers to attend DHF regularly.

Our People

Elder Michael Gan – Begins his new role as ‘Head of Home’ for the BHID (Bishan Home for the Intellectually Disabled) on Mon, 25 Sep 2023. Pray that God will provide him with wisdom, strength and courage to be His faithful servant in this new area of ministry. Pray also for his family to support and journey alongside him.

Our Denomination

BPCIS – We thank God for the 11 churches of the BPCIS which met for the Annual Presbytery Meeting on the 23 Sep. Amongst other, the rotating moderatorship falls on Shalom BP Church and Ps Benjamin Tsao was elected as moderator together with Ps Lawrence Ong as Clerk and Ps Daniel Tan as Treasurer. Pray for the BPCIS as we seek to build each other up, support one another, and further God’s work.

Emmanuel BP – Pray for their ECM this morning, for the re-election of two of their leaders. Pray that Pastor David will continue to have wisdom and strength to build up the leadership there to be able to sufficiently minister to the members. Pray that our own members will find various ways to support and encourage our sister church.

Our World

Nepal Teams – Starting from 22 Sep, 2 church teams will be going to visit Nepal to run various youth programmes to encourage our West Nepal partner in the Lord. The first team has already left and arrived in Nepal on 22 Sep. This team consists of Reggie and Joey Ng from our Church and 1 other person from Singapore Youth for Christ (SYFC). Pray for safety as they travel and protection from illness as they go from place to place. May they be able to encourage the youths to greater faith and obedience. May the Lord use some of these young people to continue the good work of our partner in loving vulnerable children for our Lord.

Myanmar – One partner shared that living costs continue to spiral up since the change of government in Feb 2021. Some items have gone up in cost by 4 times. Pray for the people of Myanmar, who may be struggling with the economic hardship that comes with this increased cost. May the local Christians continue to be light and salt in such challenging circumstances.

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