A New Government

By Ps Dev Menon

Revelation 4:2b Behold, a throne stood in heaven, with one seated on the throne.

It still amazes me that just 5 years ago, Singapore was looking at a very different future, with two completely different individuals slated to lead us. Yet one pandemic later, look how things have changed. The country noted for its meticulous planning and obsessive control is still very much under the hand and will of a Sovereign God – the One seated on the throne. 

As we mark this momentous transition of power, we are firmly reminded that “there is no authority except from God” (Rom 13:1) or as Jesus starkly put it to His governor: “You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given you from above.” (John 19:11). 

Let us also be reminded of what we have been hearing in the book of Revelation. All earthly kingdoms, without exception, are embodiments of Babylon. That despite being instituted by God (even if their leaders are tyrants!), they are very much under the influence of false prophet, beast and dragon (even if their leaders are saints!).

Satan’s chief aim is to use the imitation-glory of these nations to take us away from the worship of the Lamb who was slain – through prosperity or persecution. He’s really good at this scheme.

So while the church is instructed to pray for our government (1 Tim 2) and indeed our nation’s peace and prosperity, God’s people are also instructed to be wise, to “come out of her, lest you take part in her sins” (Rev 18:4). Our focus is only on one thing: to be a faithful witness to Christ.

We are strangers and pilgrims in this world, we seek only the lasting city, we invest only in the kingdom that cannot be shaken, we long for the soon coming of the one and true King. 

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