Prayer Points 14 March 2021

Our Church

In-Person Worship – Thank God for enabling the majority of people at ZB to attend in-person services. As mentioned in last week’s Word in Season, around 10-20% of our members in both the English and Chinese congregations have not returned. The Shepherding Teams are reaching out. Pray for more to return and worship in person with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Children’s Ministry – Pray for the CD teachers who have to (1) deliver quality Bible lessons; (2) manage mixed age groups; (3) implement COVID-safety measures; and (4) ensure child-safeguarding protocols are strictly adhered to. Pray that parents will understand that all this means that each congregation can handle only a limited number of children in CD for the time being (though there is still space for CD children at the 1, 3 & 5pm services), and will not be able to accommodate ‘walk-ins’. Thank God also for the growing number of parents who are now training their children to sit with them throughout the worship services.

Our People

Mdm Kuan Lin Sau, aged 87 (Moh Han’s mother) – Praise God that she is overall well, stable and improving from the accident. Pray that the therapy she is doing will improve her physical condition. Pray also that some deep blood clots in her nasal cavity can be cleared and that she will be able to swallow more easily. May she also receive God’s peace and comfort through this recovery period.

Pastor Alby – Thank God for the healing of the wounds from the first surgery. Pray for the second surgery on 17 Mar to detach the fingers and to close up the remaining grafted surfaces.

Our World

Indonesia – Pray for discernment, and perseverance for Partner G’s workers as they look for persons of peace amongst the harvest field in area M here. Praise God for one woman who has come to faith this week.

Pray for the ministry of BT who is reaching her local community at N. May more be open to the good news of Jesus as she serves the women and children with the love of Christ in her neighbourhood.

Thank God for blessing the ministry of Mr. M in South Sumatra and for the new group of believers from a place where there are few believers. Pray that he and his team can be effective in training local leaders and building up the believers there.

Nepal – Praise God that partner MS is setting up 2 homes, one for orphans and the other for developmentally delayed children. May they bring the love of Christ to these children and their families and for the provision of qualified staff to operate the homes.

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