Zion Bishan COVID-19 Taskforce Advisory – 23 Jul 2021

Dear Zion Bishan Members and Friends,

Situation. We have scarcely come out of Phase 2 (Heightened Alert) before finding ourselves back in it again. For the period of 22 July to 18 August, new restrictions have kicked in to help stem the tide from the large Jurong Fishery Port cluster. However, we thank God that we are in a better situation to deal with this than before as we have a high vaccination rate in our congregation (above the national rate). Research findings also show that vaccination increases protection for people from being infected by Covid-19 and if infected, it reduces the severity of the virus’ effects. Thus, we encourage Zion Bishan members to consider vaccination unless being medically unable to. Vaccination protects not only ourselves but also people around us, like our loved ones.

Our priority is to protect unvaccinated seniors, while offering space for individuals to be ministered to in-person.

Measures. For the period of Sunday 25 Jul 2021 to Sunday 15 August 2021: 1. All Services will operate at 50 pax on-site capacity

a. All English services will be livestreamed at www.youtube.com/zionbishan

b. The congregations will make their separate arrangements for in-person registration and attendance. Communion will be served on-site at all services. If you are unable to come on-site at this time, we will make sure that you may participate in Communion at a later date.

c. We urge all unvaccinated seniors to remain at home and join us via live- stream instead. If you have unvaccinated seniors staying with you, regardless of your own vaccination status, we advise you to consider staying at home lest you inadvertently pass the virus to the seniors staying with you.

d. We also urge all members to observe all health warnings (e.g. Health Risk Warning, HRW or Health Risk Alert, HRA) they may have received from the Ministry of Health arising from possible close contact with an infected person, and to join us via livestream instead.

e. We will review our service capacity as the situation dictates, and as prevailing government restrictions permit.

2. All classes and activities on-site will be suspended. For Children’s Discipleship (CD), parents are encouraged to use the Family Activity Sheets and Faith at Home resources sent via the CD Telegram Channel. Contact Ruth Quek (ruth@zionbishan.org.sg) ASAP if you are not yet connected to this communications channel.

Youth Discipleship (YD) classes will move online — details will be given through YD leaders. Contact Jacqueline Lie (jacqueline@zionbishan.org.sg) if your youth (13 – 18 year-old) has not been connected to a YD class. The Youth Fellowship (YF) will also gather online — details will be updated via small-group leaders & the YF Instagram page.

All wedding ceremonies that have been pre-booked may continue subject to the latest restrictions. Any other exceptions (e.g. to organize ministry to the neighbourhood; for urgent pastoral counselling or matters needing onsite access) must be approved by Senior Pastor Alby Yip.

3. All Action Group (AG) gatherings will meet virtually for the time being. That said, we encourage members who are comfortable to gather in homes as long as the measure of 2 distinct visitors per household per day is adhered to. We also encourage members to consider using this to make space on Sundays for others who struggle with participating online via livestream or gathering for in person services. Do contact Danny Chua (92394160) if you require some assistance helping your AGs to meet in house groups over Zoom.

Finally, let us continue to be a community that looks out and cares for one another. If any of you are facing difficulties or distress arising from the latest restrictions, or for any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact one of our leaders.

By the grace of God, let’s stand together and ride this through as one.

ZB Covid-19 Taskforce

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