Prayer Points 27 November 2022

Our Church

Christmas Sermon Series
God with us: People around the Birth

Our Christmas Sermon series begins in this first of four Sundays that lead up to Christmas Day. As the sermons explore how people around the event have responded to Jesus’ birth, 
pray for:

a. the friends and relatives we invite, that they will also consider “Who is this Jesus?” “And how does His life affect me?“

b. our preachers as they prepare and preach God’s Word;

c. ourselves that we would be sensitive to God’s Spirit as He shows us who to speak to about Jesus.

Seniors360 – We thank God for our partnership with St Luke’s Eldercare (SLEC) that has enabled the smooth running of our weekday activities and Saturday events this past year. As we continue with in-reach efforts to our own seniors, and beef up outreach efforts to the community next year, pray for our ministry leaders, that the programmes we plan will be able to uplift the seniors through active ageing and more importantly in reaching them with the love of Christ. Pray also for more volunteers to step forward to serve as befrienders to the seniors under SLEC’s care, and for good response from the seniors for activities such as short mat bowling held at Zion Bishan.

Our World

Indonesia – Praise God for safe journeys for the team and a good time of seeing the ministry of 2 partners. Indonesia is a large country of many islands and many different unreached people groups living in hard to reach areas. Thank God for our partner’s willingness to go and serve them with love and the gospel.

India – One of our partners has started a school for 15 slum children who for various reasons do not go to school. Pray for more resources so that more children can have a place in this school.

Another partner has workers doing income generation projects, such as chicken and goat rearing to help them meet their family’s needs. Pray that these projects will do well and help these pastors and evangelists. 

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