Prayer Points 29 January 2023

Our Church

Disciples on Mission – As we have been challenged by the message and Mission Focus today to grow and go for God’s Kingdom, pray that we will see where and how each one of us can be on Mission for Him. As we commit to growing and maturing in Christ this year, let us pray that His Spirit will help us to learn how God’s heart is for the last, the lost and the least. Ask Him to show us where the weary, the broken and hurting ones are in our lives and around us in the world, that we will have boldness and confidence to hold out the eternal hope of the Gospel.

Tuition Ministry – Classes for students have resumed last week (26 Jan) and we thank God for each one of the 22 tutors and 20 students this year. Pray for God’s love and grace to be clearly shown through the teachers as they help the students in their various subjects of studies in school. Pray too that new relationships and friendships forged through also having dinners together before tuition will be one step in bringing them closer to know God.

Our World

India – From 15-22 Jan 2023, one partner travelled 2674 km and visited 5 fields in South India. In each field, Ps J participated in worship services and encouraged the church planter working there. In each place, having a small piece of land where a church could be built is an important part of being able to gather to hear the word. Pray for the provision of resources for these gathering places to be constructed. Many of the congregation members are also daily waged workers and live in poverty. Pray for ways for each family to improve in their living situation and to stand firm in their faith.

Nepal – Thank God for the provision of solar lights for our partner in West Nepal. These were brought by the Singapore team last year. Our partners were able to use these lights in the centres that do not have regular electricity. They were particularly useful in the kitchen and study rooms of these centres. Praise God also for the online training that we have been able to have with various leaders. Pray that the training will give them practical handles as well as good biblical foundations for their own walk with the Lord and the ministries that they do. 

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