Prayer Points 26 February 2023

Our Church

EquipAsia Students’ Visit – Today, 19 students from 5 countries in Asia will be visiting the 4:30 pm service and joining us for dinner church. The 5 countries are India, Indonesia, Bhutan, Mongolia, and Laos. Praise God for the opportunity to fellowship with them. They are in Singapore for a comprehensive training programme developed by Bible Church that aims at training fellow Christians in these countries so they can train other Christians in bible knowledge and ministry skills. 

Our People

Lim Nan & Team – Pray for brother Lim Nan and 5 other ZB members & believers from other churches who will be spending time with the refugees (mostly Afghans) in Indonesia from 25 Feb – 1 Mar. May the team be His light there and may the experiences in serving the refugees grow their faith. Among the trippers will be 4 children under the age of 10. Pray also for safe travels for everyone.

Our World

India – One partner in the northeast will be having their Founder’s Day where more than 100 pastors and leaders from the fields will gather at their mission centre. Pray that there will be a sense of oneness and family spirit amongst the leaders gathered. They have also shared their prayers for themselves to catch the vision to be self-sustaining and reach the unreached. 

Our bible college partner has requested prayers for their outreach efforts through bi-weekly tuition in one of their fields. Pray that God will use these outreach efforts to benefit the local communities. Pray for God’s provisions for His volunteer workers labouring in these fields. May more fellowship centres be established to equip new believers.

Indonesia – Last Sunday, our partner had 9 persons baptized in 3 locations. Pray that these new believers will continue to grow in their love and obedience to Jesus and that the spark of new life in these believers will continue to spread to other communities connected with them. Pray for the protection of their faith in the midst of challenges from non-believers in their community. May these believers continue to grow strong and bold in the Lord.

Nepal – The ZB team has completed 2 youth camps and several children programmes with our partner in West Nepal and returned to Singapore last Friday. In the past 2 weeks, we praise God that both youths and children were engaged throughout the teachings, experiential activities, and songs. Thank God that the love of Christ was clearly shared and communicated in word and deed. Pray that these truths will bring encouragement and faith to all the children and youths of our partner.

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