Hebrews #8 4:14-5:10

Day 1

Recall some of the big encouragements you gained from our time in Hebrews 3:1–4:13 in the past weeks. How has your heart been challenged and exhorted by God’s word? Take a moment to speak these things to your Father in heaven with thanksgiving. 

Day 2

Read Hebrews 4:14-5:4. What does the role of the high priest involve according to this passage? Zoom in a little further: what is the relationship between the high priest and the people he is interceding for? 

Day 3

Read Hebrews 4:14-5:4 again. What does this passage tell us about the kind of high priest Jesus is? Take a moment to reflect on this picture of Jesus as high priest – are you personally sure and confident of it? Why or why not? 

Day 4

Read Hebrews 5:1-10. What is said about Jesus’ life during the time he took on flesh and blood? Can you recall anything about His earthly life from the gospels that fit the description here? Lastly, what is surprising or striking to you here?

Day 5

Read Hebrews 4:14-5:10. What do you appreciate and love about Jesus in this passage? How has this passage build on what you’ve learnt about Jesus so far in Hebrews? At the same time, what truths are you struggling to understand or believe here? 

Set aside some time to talk to our Lord about these things. Commit what you are struggling with to Him in prayer, and thank Him for what the Spirit has helped you to understand and believe.

Reflection Song

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