Prayer Points 26 Nov 2023

Our Church

Christmas Series: From Sorrow to Joy – Pray that the LORD will use our evangelistic advent series in December to show many the true joy that only Jesus can bring this season. Pray for open hearts as we invite our non-Christian friends and loved ones and proclaim Good News to them this season.

Our People

Christmas and New Year – Year-ends and festive seasons are welcomed and joyful for many. But for a segment, it can be a dreaded time for many reasons. Extra arrangements for childcare, being “left behind” while others who can afford go for holidays, and the grief of a loved one who passed away are also accentuated during festive seasons. Perhaps, you know who these are. Pray for them, and where you are able to support them.

Our Denomination

Emmanuel BP – Over the last 3 months, Ps David & Ps Dev preached through the book of Colossians, 12 sermons in total. Pray for the evangelistic series they are organising for the whole month of December, with guest speakers from the other BP churches as well as Breakthrough Missions.

Our World

India – Last week, we prayed for a Ps S who died in a motorbike accident while his daughter suffered injuries while travelling together. We thank God that our partner, was able to raise enough finances through their fellowship network to help Ps S’s family through their immediate medical expenses. Our partner was also able to organise a camp for 240 youths when the accident happened. Praise God also for the commitment by our partner to care for the family through supporting the wife, her young son and older daughter.

Indonesia – Pray for a 7-members church team who will leave on Monday (27 Nov) for about a week. They will be visiting our missiology school alumni based in an eastern island in this nation of many islands. Pray for good fellowship and safe travels for the team as they seek to understand and encourage the labourers in this harvest field to the majority religious group.

Israel-Hamas War –  The Israel-Hamas war commenced four days of truce on Friday. Pray for relief to be able to reach those who need them and that those who need medical attention may be able to get out. Pray for the hostages who are released to be able to fully heal from the trauma. Pray also for the hostages still being kept for safety and emotional wellness.

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