ZB Covid-19 Taskforce Advisory (27 Aug 2022)

[PDF text reproduced below]


Dear Zion Bishan members,

We thank God for the further relaxation of COVID-19 Safe Management Measures (SMMs) announced at the National Day Rally. The primary change is that with effect from 29 August, the mask-wearing requirement will be lifted for all church activities. This includes movement about our church premises (e.g. in the fellowship hall) and singing. This will be a significant step towards normalcy.

We nonetheless encourage members and worshippers who prefer to remain masked to do so for their own personal comfort and protection. We also encourage those who minister to the vulnerable to be masked when doing so. As a matter of personal responsibility, do refrain from attending in-person activities if you are unwell.

This is a timely moment to review our live-streaming of services. Every Sunday we have about 150 live-stream views, but we cannot identify or engage them. Our hope is to see as many as possible gathering for corporate worship in person. We thus plan to do a phased cessation of the live-streaming of the 10.30 am and 3.00 pm services. This will start as early as 2 October. To facilitate our planning, we request those who are only worshipping via live-stream to speak to one of the pastors, elders or ministry staff.

Finally, our service registration team is actively working to replace our current EventBrite registration process with a simpler attendance-taking system. Please bear with us as we look to begin pilot-testing through the month of September.

The grace of Christ be with all of us.

ZB Covid Taskforce

27 August 2022

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