Reflecting on Church Camp 2023
By Joel Khoo

We’ve just had our first Church Camp since COVID this last weekend. We thank God for the time for refreshment in God’s Word and the time of encouragement in fellow saints. We had many first-timers, and we had a great time getting to know new people too. This time was well missed by many old-timers, and long awaited by many newer members.
Our theme this year was “One-on-one”, about personal discipleship. Our speaker Ps David Wong helped us think about our relationship with Jesus in his talks from John 21, and our workshops and programmes helped us think through how we then do personal discipleship with others of various demographics and groups.
Let’s hear some reflections from those who were at camp:
(On the sermons) It was very assuring that Jesus’ love for us is always 10 (100%), and that my love will always be imperfect, less than 10. With that closing exercise, my take away personally is ‘not to trip’ again and I can still be useful for the Lord. Overall, I enjoyed the camp and had the opportunity to connect with a few members (AG and new). – Chua Bee Joo

(On the workshops) I appreciated the opportunity to discuss discipleship for women, which is not often discussed. We learned in Titus 2 that older women are to teach and model to younger women, ‘while we wait for the blessed hope’. I have been very much blessed by older women along the years who challenged themselves to share life with me amidst their hectic lives;
showing me their mess, yet encouraging me to hold fast in difficult times. These women showed me that Christians whose earthly families may not support them spiritually (first-gen, disrupted/broken family relationships) still have a place in God’s kingdom. I pray this will happen more! – Yam Jiahui

As I listened to the testimonies on the panel (for the special programme), I was filled with my own memories of people who had come alongside me in my journey. My Sunday school teacher who swam across to Coney island with us. The random person who taught me how to share Christ at the Billy Graham Crusade. The unknown person I partnered who gave the 16yr old me the courage to knock on random doors to share Christ. My Sunday school class who formed a “crusader club” to encourage one another not to drink or succumb to vulgarities during NS. We prayed together each Sunday in camp after we booked in. My host parents in university who showed me what a loving Christian marriage looked like. So many other people have walked that Emmaus Road with me. – Quek Aik Wu
Through the messages, I have seen the extent of how Jesus, the wisest master, went all out to “rebuild” Peter in John 21. In the workshops, I have also heard various church leaders honestly sharing their approach and challenges in discipling others. While these messages and sharing have shown the intense challenge of discipleship, it has also encouraged me to trust in God and imitate Jesus in the process of walking with another brother or sister. – Paul Huang
We thank God for these campers and how they’ve been encouraged, and for all who were blessed by camp. Do prayerfully consider joining us at Church Camp next year (14-18 June) if you weren’t able to this year!